Posts in Motherhood
we all hide parts of ourselves. this is why we should stop.

My confidence was luke-warm and what I did have felt fake. 

The pull was strong. And even though I wanted to ignore it and stuff it down, I couldn’t.

Believe me, I tried.  I back-pedaled and busied myself. I rearranged my house, cleaned out junk drawers and Amazon’d cat food. I made lots of excuses.

I have small kids!  How can anyone do anything when they are in charge of raising humans? 

I had so many reasons why I could not do the thing. 

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we will never get it all right. all the time.

When I rise, it’s still dark. The sun is sleeping. I hear frogs, palms swaying.

The wall of windows I walk past from our bedroom to the kitchen gives nothing away but blackness.

Will the day emerge? It must. It always does. God placed these reliable comforts here for us to lean on. To be the scaffolding of our days.

Moments later, within these walls I call home, my own world emerges.

The girls stumble down, Aster first. Messy haired, sandman eyes. Usually rubbing them as she squints against the lights I’ve flipped on even though they are dim.

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summer is over and i am thrilled

If you’re a mom, then January as the “new year” pales in comparison to September.

September is mom porn. Just looking at the calendar page in my planner makes me swoon. Ask any mom and they will get sparkles in their eyes when you say the S word.

Summatime is over. Kids are back in school. Fresh start. Clean slate. The 100 Day weekend is over and you f*ing did it. It’s a big deal. I celebrate all the moms out there. I see you sitting in your car post first day drop off squealing with delight. I’m with ya.

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sleep-away camp & scones

It’s late. Way past my bedtime. But I have to get it down. I think it’s the only way I’ll be able to sleep.

I come here. To this little portal of words. My therapist’s couch, my processing place. To work through the big and small. To make sense of, to piece together, all the gifts that are nestled inside all the feels.

Today was a big one. I thought I was ready for it.

Like a lot of things related to being a parent, I was wrong. I was not ready. At all.

Today we watched our first born step out into the “world” (errr, sleep away camp bubble) without us.

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being baptized as a grown up changed my life

Mostly when we think of baptism we think baby. My mind goes right to a little cherubesque babe, wearing a long white gown & old fashion bonnet, held in their parents arms, surrounded by family, godparents, a priest. In a church. Invitations, family travel plans, brunches. There’s a way these things are done. A checklist of what it’s all supposed to look like. It most certainly does not involve a jean shorts and t-shirt wearing grown-up (ahem, me), wading out into the ocean with other grown-ups dunking you in the salty ocean water.

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my baby is three years young

This is my attempt to grasp at all the feels of being a Mom to this magical human. Of remembering the everyday moments of watching a tiny life grow, unfold, blossom. To mark them, to remember them, to hold them even though I know that the only way I can do so is in words and feels and love. That as sharp and piercing as they feel now, time will apply a layer of blur and haze. These memories tapped out into words is my way of marking a season of life and time that simultaneously stands still (is it bedtime yet?!) and moves at mach speed (3?! how?).

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and we're off

The kids are back in school. Basically a National Holiday. I’m celebrating a very important independence - Mine.Cue the ball drop, a promising midnight kiss, and an ambitious All The Things I’m Going to Do list that rivals that of the President. My world feels pregnant with potential. I’m in the bring it on mindset. I’ve gone mad. Delusional. Temporarily blinded by the teeny tiny sense of mom freedom that comes as the calendar flips to fall.

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reclaiming my (mushy) mom brain

I’m firing my brain back up in ways that used to be my norm. While being Mom. You know, like, at the same time. Apparently I forgot that’s an option. I ditched my I can’t have both approach and have integrated Mom Life into Me Life. And, as it so magically does, the world dropped me a lifeline exactly when I needed it.

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long weekends + puke buckets

The girls are in bed. I just made a salad for dinner (arugula, roasted sweet potatoes, hard boiled egg, walnuts, half an avocado, nutritional yeast, lots of olive oil & Maldon sea salt). And a big handful of potato chips (salt & vinegar, my kryptonite). I didn’t really want to write but I couldn’t ignore the voice that said - get it out, put it down in words. Just brain dump onto the page. Let it catch all your stuff.

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5 Things I Do Every Morning (and swear by)

In my life there is no balance. There is full throttle one direction or the other. Like how you can’t be kind of pregnant. No sorta. All in or all out. This is why we need a center. Like if a wheel doesn’t have a fulcrum (had to look that one up), there’s no place to attach the spokes. There’s a whole lotta spokes in our lives - kids, marriage, family, career, passions, faith - if they don’t have a place to anchor, an attachment site, the whole thing falls apart. Doesn’t work. Enter my ride or die morning routine.

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10 Tips for Your Best Solo Getaway Ever

I’m writing this on the heels of my own (and first) solo getaway to We Care Spa. I wrote about it all, shared it here. But then I realized I learned a lot of other things, too. Side notes, things in the margin, little tips and tricks that I unintentionally discovered along the way. Important stuff that can help you maximize the oh-so-precious-time you have on a solo journey. Because if you’re gonna go, you might as well do it Right. This post is my attempt to fill in the gaps, give you the stuff behind the scenes.

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22 For 2022 & My Word

I started doing this last year. In lieu of the dreaded “New Years Resolutions” (loathe) I read about the concept of making a list (love). It goes like this: Twenty-two things you want to do/accomplish/become/complete by the end of the year. They can be easy or ambitious, one-time undertakings or habits that stretch for years. Think about what you want the new year to hold for You. Get the things out of your mind and onto paper and this list becomes your compass for 2022. When you feel lost or adrift, you have a place to go to course correct. A tangible body of words that will guide you back to the driver’s seat, because at the end of the day, no one else is responsible for your life. Empowering and terrifying, I know. I feel it, too.

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My Halo Laser Experience: All the Details

I actually did it. It took me a few months of squirming, rescheduling and being scared AF to follow through but now I am on the other side, over the proverbial rainbow and I await my glowing pot of gold complexion.

I’m writing this just hours after my Halo Laser treatment. When I took these pics I was lying in the treatment bed waiting for the numbing cream to be applied. I was sort of shocked that I was there. And when I looked at these photos I was like - “my skin looks pretty good. What am I doing this for? Am I making the right decision?” The mind is such a tricky SOB. Thank goodness the nurse walked in at that exact moment and put a halt to my spinning mind - it was Go Time.

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that time I *almost* gave up + what I did about it

Have you ever been in the deep end of something that felt so overwhelmingly Big, you froze? Just sort of folded in on yourself, raised the white flag in surrender, gave up? I’m raising my hand over here. High. It’s happened to me (a lot). Still does. Sometimes just being a parent feels like too much. Like waking up and realizing, I have to do this again (and again and again and again)?! Sometimes it’s more like going through infertility or miscarriage. Or wondering what your greater purpose is in life. Are you taking action on it or running from it? I’ve done both, still do. Here’s what it looks like for me, the stuff I usually don’t share out loud, but is practically a prerequisite for doing anything I care so much about it makes me want to chase it, run from it, and throw up. Good visual, right?

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How I’m Doing Goal Setting This Year: 21 For 2021

It’s February. Moves fast, right? And you’re like busy busy. At capacity. Your days are filled with to-do lists, an over-scheduled life, children and significant others that rely on you (for everything). Constantly moving and doing, but feeling like you’re not really accomplishing anything. The hamster wheel. Rinse and repeat. And you just survived 2020. You can sit back and coast on that, right? It’s become the reason (errrr, excuse) for everything. I see you. And I get it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can own your day rather than it owning you. You can be proactive and intentional rather than reactive and accidental.

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Read This First

When you go to business school you learn by studying successful companies. Starbucks. Costco. CVS. Apple. Their failures, successes. Every rise has many, many falls that come before. We see an end result. The spotlight on the “they made it” part. When, really, the entire company was built on failing. Failing and getting back up, trying again, trying different. On getting punched in the gut and returning to the arena. On being told this will not work / you will fail / you are not smart-rich-connected enough / save yourself and quit now / are you crazy? Big things happen on the other side of a thousand No’s, failures and disappointments.

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My Baby Is One

Aster is One. A big milestone. For her. For me. For all of us. Constant change and growth and evolution. I am repeatedly humbled by the process of raising children while simultaneously trying to raise myself. To keep learning about life and how I can do it better. What do I want to model for my children? Patience, love, kindness, calm, ease, joy, freedom, self-love. A life of service and faith. Of commitment, honesty and purpose. Of Fun. All the things I’m (still) trying to manage in my daily choices and life.

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Breastfeeding My Teething 10 Month Old Is Hard

I’m feeling all kinds of momma emotions right now. Aster is teething. Her bottom two teeth were the first to arrive. Now her top two front teeth are coming in and she’s feeling it. A bit cranky. Uncomfortable. Confused. She’s not feverish or ear achey and she is thank you God napping and night sleeping like a dream. But, she’s biting. She’s biting everything she can jam into her mouth. Mostly my boobs.

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