Posts in Wellness and Self Care
being baptized as a grown up changed my life

Mostly when we think of baptism we think baby. My mind goes right to a little cherubesque babe, wearing a long white gown & old fashion bonnet, held in their parents arms, surrounded by family, godparents, a priest. In a church. Invitations, family travel plans, brunches. There’s a way these things are done. A checklist of what it’s all supposed to look like. It most certainly does not involve a jean shorts and t-shirt wearing grown-up (ahem, me), wading out into the ocean with other grown-ups dunking you in the salty ocean water.

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5 Things I Do Every Morning (and swear by)

In my life there is no balance. There is full throttle one direction or the other. Like how you can’t be kind of pregnant. No sorta. All in or all out. This is why we need a center. Like if a wheel doesn’t have a fulcrum (had to look that one up), there’s no place to attach the spokes. There’s a whole lotta spokes in our lives - kids, marriage, family, career, passions, faith - if they don’t have a place to anchor, an attachment site, the whole thing falls apart. Doesn’t work. Enter my ride or die morning routine.

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10 Tips for Your Best Solo Getaway Ever

I’m writing this on the heels of my own (and first) solo getaway to We Care Spa. I wrote about it all, shared it here. But then I realized I learned a lot of other things, too. Side notes, things in the margin, little tips and tricks that I unintentionally discovered along the way. Important stuff that can help you maximize the oh-so-precious-time you have on a solo journey. Because if you’re gonna go, you might as well do it Right. This post is my attempt to fill in the gaps, give you the stuff behind the scenes.

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My We Care Spa Experience

Juicing, fasting, colonics, real deal therapeutic whole body treatments (no fluff), energy healing, sound bowls, fire ceremonies, shamans. This place is my wheelhouse, checking all the boxes. It’s been on my bucket list for 10 years. Brewing in my subconscious, always on my radar. I wanted to go, but had done nothing to transition mere wanting into doing. Until last summer. I felt Mom Life burnout settling in and with a surge of intuition, I picked up the phone. In my car, in the parking lot of CVS, I did a quick Google search and dialed. As if on auto-pilot. I knew in my bones I needed to recharge the batteries. I was fraying at the edges, feeling the build up of long days and nights turned into years of motherhood with no intentional reset, real filling of the tank. Lots of withdrawals, no deposits. It was time to change that.

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My Halo Laser Experience: All the Details

I actually did it. It took me a few months of squirming, rescheduling and being scared AF to follow through but now I am on the other side, over the proverbial rainbow and I await my glowing pot of gold complexion.

I’m writing this just hours after my Halo Laser treatment. When I took these pics I was lying in the treatment bed waiting for the numbing cream to be applied. I was sort of shocked that I was there. And when I looked at these photos I was like - “my skin looks pretty good. What am I doing this for? Am I making the right decision?” The mind is such a tricky SOB. Thank goodness the nurse walked in at that exact moment and put a halt to my spinning mind - it was Go Time.

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3rd Trimester Survival Kit: My 15 Must Haves

Ohhhhhh the home stretch. So close and so far away. I simultaneously wanted baby to stay in (forever) and come out (immediately). I flexed between these two extremes for three months. This pregnancy was so hard fought and I willed myself to remember that every time I peed my pants, iced my lower back or went to bed in tears at 8pm after eating my 7th peanut butter and banana toast of the day.

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