2nd Trimester Survival Kit: My 15 Must Haves

My Second Trimester spread over the May-June-July months.

Mother’s Day, the end of school, the beginning of the 100 Day Weekend (summer). It all stretched before me. I was anxious and excited and prayed that I could maintain the energy to keep up with it all.

It started off with a Mother’s Day trip to Ohio, where my sister lives in the town we grew up in.  My almost 4 year old in tow, we flew up and spent Mom + Daughter + Sister time together. It was a time of huge relief for me because the cat was out of the bag about the baby in my belly.  All of our immediate family was in-the-know. I left when I was almost 14 weeks pregnant (which still felt like very shaky ground for me). From there we let things unfold naturally. I told my best friends and the word-of-mouth phenomenon took it from there.

Here’s my ride or die list for weeks 13-26.  

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1. Maternity Yoga Pants

My lululemons were putting the serious squeeze on my belly and wearing them for a 60 minute heated vinyasa class was uncomfortable.  I pulled the trigger on maternity athletic/workout/hangout/yoga pants and it was a total game changer. I ordered a lot of different brands and styles, returned most of them and kept only the ones I loved and felt I could live in.  

BellyBandit:  Active Support Essential Leggings (Black)

I pulled that belly panel over my bump and rocked these most frequently.  Fabric is soft, supportive (but no compression or lifting) and they do not squeeze or cinch anywhere weird.  You look put together. And black is just always the best call when your body is growing and you might accidentally pee your pants at any moment. 

Baobei Maternity:  Sculpt & Support Maternity Belly Support Leggings - Luxe (Black)

These were my 2nd place go-to’s.  The belly panel was a little more supportive/hugging (which I liked) but when I tried to put a support belly band over the pants if the velcro touched the material at all (which was unavoidable) it became fuzzy and piled. Turns out the support belly bands that I tried (all 3 of them!) did nothing for me except ride up and cause me discomfort so I never used them.  I really wanted to love them and for one to magically work and be the answer to all the new issues I was experiencing in my second trimester like low back pain, incontinence and varicose veins (on my legs and vagina. Sexy times).

2. Matcha -or- Regular Coffee

The pregnancy police love to debate the caffeine issue and I get it.  It’s a drug. And caffeine affects me strongly (more than 1 cup and I feel jittery, anxious and cranky but I’m getting lots of shit done). I know to treat it with some respect.  I completely stopped drinking caffeine while TTC and then when I became pregnant it stayed on the No-No List. It was a big deal for me when I allowed this treat back into my world.  The general consensus is that it is safe to consume 200mg or less of caffeine during pregnancy. I am the only coffee drinker in my house so I use this Nespresso machine for a single cup rather than making an entire pot of coffee.  I make one nespresso pod (about 8oz of coffee) in the morning. Sometimes using a half-caf pod (70mg of caffeine) and sometimes a regular pod (150mg of caffeine).   If I do not feel like coffee I would add ½ - 1 tsp Gotcha Matcha (1 tsp = 80mg caffeine) to my morning Ascent Protein Powder Smoothie.   I love a hot morning drink (habit/ritual) but matcha makes me feel better.  If I want both, I’ll do a decaf cup of coffee and then add matcha to my morning protein shake.  With so many you-shouldn’t-do-that’s while pregnant I say you have to Do You. If a small thing like having a cup of coffee makes you feel good, by all means, drink it, enjoy it and feel zero guilt.  Happiness and Sanity priorities #1 and #2 while baby making/growing/raising.

3.  You Tube: Nancy Taylor Hiit Videos

I love jumping on You Tube and doing a quick HIIT workout. It is efficient and gives me great results.  I am not a gym person so if I’m not on my yoga mat or taking a walk outside I am in my backyard or living room sweating it out to YouTube.  Pre-pregnancy I did The Body Coach + Tracy Anderson via her online studio. Neither of these worked for me personally while pregnant. The excises felt too intense and my pregnancy too new. I did a quick search for prenatal HIIT workouts and found Nancy Taylor’s channel to be the best fit for me.   I did one of her workouts and would then add an arm workout from Tracy Campoli. I did not spin my wheels with a lot of research here. I just found something and started. I continued to do a sweaty vinyasa yoga practice 3x/week. As long as it feels good for you, go for it. Your body, your pregnancy. You do you.

4. Vitamins + Supplements

When I was 17 weeks pregnant I sent my acupuncturist a 911 e-mail at 5am. Subject line: moody momma.

I was in total overwhelm mode. Anticipating the end of school and praying I had the energy to enjoy the summer ahead with my family and especially my high paced daughter all while growing her brother or sister. Coming off of the hormonal overload my body was in while TTC (clomid, estrogen, progesterone) and now the hormonal extravaganza of being pregnant, I felt like a stranger in my own skin. Momma needed some help. She sent back a plan of action (god do I love a plan) to support my mental, physical and emotional bodies and recalibrate things. My daily vitamin/supplement routine:

5. Thayer’s Witch Hazel Pads

On Father’s Day (June 20) I was 16 weeks pregnant. After a hot, sandy and active day at the beach/pool with my husband and daughter, we came home, I was making mac + cheese in my bathing suit.  All of a sudden, I felt a painful throb/gush between my legs. Panicked I ran to my husband and told him he was on child + dinner duty as I sprinted upstairs to the bathroom to check on all my parts. It terrified me because it brought back memories of my miscarriage as the sensations were similar.  No blood. Nothing was protruding out of my vagina (even though it felt like it). Everything looked normal.  But then I got my compact mirror out and reeeeaallly looked and saw a small bump under the skin of my vulva (the outside of your vagina). It was the size of my pinkie nail, and it was black and blue.  Looked like a bruise. I also noticed I could see the veins underneath my skin all around that area. I get very vein-y while pregnant - my chest, hands, arms - so while this wasn’t totally shocking, it was a little unnerving because they were painful.  I put down the mirror and called my midwife. Diagnosis was a Bartholin Gland Cyst and varicose veins. Both very common. The cyst went away almost as quickly as it appeared (within a few days) but the varicose vein issue stuck around. They did not increase in severity but they were definitely an issue I did not encounter at all with my first pregnancy.  My midwife said the best remedies were sitz baths and witch hazel pads. I did the sitz baths maybe once or twice. I just didn’t have the time to commit to it but I used Thayer’s Witch Hazel Pads  religiously and they helped.  I also liked the medicated version. And these are a must-have for your postpartum healing kit so buy extra, they will be used. Trust. 

6. 8 Sheep Organics + Thorne Catalyte

I got crazy leg cramps around week 20. I guzzled water. Alternated between heat + ice on my calves at night. Nothing helped. I would wake up at least every other night with a crushing charley horse. I found instant relief when I started using Organics Sleepy Body Lotion on my legs (and low back at the end of the day if it was sore). It uses magnesium and other yummy all-natural safe of you + baby ingredients to calm your body + mind, relieve pain and prevent leg cramps. It smells delicious and feels luxe. I also added Thorne Catalyte to my (ever growing) list of natural supplements. It is a lemon-lime flavored electrolyte powder. It restores electrolyte balance, supports muscle function and stimulates energy recovery. The combo of these products completely alleviated my nightly leg cramps. Total winners.

7. Glowing Green Smoothie

I’ve been a huge fan of Kimberly Snyder’s and her Glowing Green Smoothie (the cilantro + parsley are optional but trust me don’t skip them!) ever since I read her first book, The Beauty Detox Solution. I craved this mineral-rich greens smoothie and made a big batch every few days. It takes a bit of time to get all the ingredients, clean + prep and blend them up, but it stores well in the fridge for a few days making it totally worth the effort. I would make a big batch and store in a large mason jar. It’s so healthy that I felt zero guilt when I indulged in the inevitable french fries and chocolate cake. Balance ya’ll.

8. Raw Rev Glo Vegan Bars

In my purse, in the glove compartment, stashed in the beach bag. I had these little bars strategically placed for emergency hunger or an intentional snack if I knew I would be running around. They are delish. They don’t melt if you leave them in your purse/car/diaper bag. They are vegan, gluten free and made with a heavy dose of protein, fiber and superfoods like chia and flax seeds. My go-to is the dark chocolate and sea salt.

9. One Bowls 

I have Rich Roll to thank for turning me on to the concept of the One Bowl. It’s the A team version of “just another salad.” I’ve read his memoir (loved it), listened to his podcast, and actually made many of the recipes from his cookbook, The Plantpower Way. The One Bowl has been my biggest takeaway and it’s been my lunch or dinner on repeat for most of my second trimester. Each bowl is made up of five categories of ingredients: a legume, a grain, a green, a whole food and a sauce. I make everything ahead of time and keep all the ingredients in the fridge.. It’s simple, healthy and satisfying. My favorite combo: black beans, sweet potato, baby spinach or arugula, raw walnuts, avocado and maybe a hard boiled egg drenched in my favorite apple cider vinegar dressing.

10. Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Protein Powder - Chocolate

I have a legit sweet tooth. I tame it with plant based desserts like coconut milk chocolate mouse or a square of dark chocolate smeared with peanut butter. I also feed it with red velvet cake and chocolate chip cookies. Strangely enough, with this pregnancy, my sweet tooth has disappeared. I think its because I am eating more fruit and it’s transformed my nightly habit of scouring the kitchen for something decadent and sweet. When those moments do strike, however, I’ve been blending up a hit the spot, mildly sweet snack of almond or coconut milk + bone broth protein powder chocolate + cinnamon + a pinch of Himalayan sea salt + ice. Delish.

11. Massage

This should be a given for every pregnant mamma out there but I know it’s easier said than done. When I (finally) made the commitment to regular massage it was, obviously, a game changer. Our bodies are working so hard to create an entire human being. We make a tiny beating heart, a brain, hands, feet, arms and legs. It is f*ing miraculous. We create an entirely new organ, the placenta, while pumping triple the amount of blood and fluids throughout our systems. It makes my brain explode every time I think about it. Get the damn massage. I found someone who worked with lots of pregnant woman so applied therapeutic pressure in all the right places. I did not need to waste my time and money on a wet noodle Swedish massage. You shouldn’t either.

12. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

I got a referral for a pelvic floor PT from my midwife. I went to my appointments religiously and did my at home exercises. My pelvic floor postpartum experience with my first pregnancy was not a good one. I had no issues while pregnant, but postpartum my incontinence was crippling. That story for another post. I hoped for the best this time around but wanted to be prepared for the worst, which was basically peeing my pants all.the.time postpartum. She gave me exercises to do and evaluated the current strength of my pelvic floor. This has been a very tough part of my pregnancy. The incontinence has affected every part of my day and totally impacted the quality of my life. Just moving though my life, walking, going up stairs, grocery shopping, beach days, zoo trips, all of it. I was silently suffering such physical and emotional pain from what felt like a complete failing of my physical body. I wore pads and underwear with leak protection. It robbed me of my dignity a little bit every day, every gush, every leak. Since I did not experience this issue at all during my first pregnancy I had a difficult time feeling feminine and confident. Intimacy with my other half suffered. I was constantly embarrassed by myself and broke down in tears nearly every day. My daughter, who follows me like a shadow, would ask confused “mommy why are you wearing diapers?” when I went to the bathroom. Tears would stream down my face. Like my journeys through miscarriage and trying for baby #2, I never had a conversation with another woman/friend who was experiencing this issue. This magnified the pain. How could I be the only one? So I did all the exercises and googled everything I could about urinanry incontinence and its treatment. Online I found a tribe. Women who were honestly and in detail, sharing their stories. They comforted me as I sat in bed at night praying I could find the why in what felt like the brokenness of my physical body. All the while I continued to grow this tiny human soul, a sure indication that my body was far from broken. It was miraculous. God gave me this gift so I could pay it forward. So I could type these words and reach out into the world with my story so that one other woman will know she is not alone. I am here with you. It will all be even better than before. If you are reading this and suffering either pregnant or postpartum, please reach out to me. Seriously, e-mail me right now. A few resources that saved me: The Vagina Whisperer, Sara Reardon, The Pregnancy Whisperer, Dr. Elliot Berlin, and this to be used postpartum.

13. Pregnancy Underwear (sigh. I know, but hear me out)

My usual hanky panky thongs were no longer comfortable, cute or practical in any way. I was in denial for a long time on this one. Pregnancy underwear felt so blaaahhhhh. But my incontinence issue forced me to deal. When I finally did, when I admitted that things were different right now, I improved the quality of my life and felt more in control, not so victimized and humiliated. Enter Speax by Thinx. Comfortable, attractive, high end undies with leak protection built-in. Finally I felt like I wasn't wearing a diaper 24-7. Pads were the worst. They moved around, leaked, felt like a diaper. Just horrible. I hated that I needed these. But, like with all things, the truth set me free. I needed help. I needed physical therapy for my pelvic floor, I needed devices and exercises and pads and different underwear. Once I admitted the truth to myself and took action, I was operating from a place of receptivity rather than resistance. This mental shift made all the difference. And the undies. They made a difference, too.

14. Hatch Bathing Suit + Straw Hat

Ahhhhh the bathing suit issue. Add a cover-up, flip flops, a hat and it is my summer uniform. Although this summer, since I was peeing my pants, wearing pads and leak-protection panties, I dreaded it. Like all things of motherhood, I had to figure it out. I lived in this bathing suit. I also loved the high-waisted, ruched bikini bottoms from J.Crew. They are not maternity but if you size up they are an amazing over the bump option. I paired them with this tie-top that I already had. And I was never without a straw hat. One like this.

15. Marie Kondo Your World (aka: NEST!)

When we returned home from summer travels it was the perfect opportunity to dejunk and unclutter. We are away from home for 6 weeks, and I quickly realize how little I need and how much happier I am with less stuff to deal with. I tackled things room by room. Going through every cabinet, closet and drawer with a fine tooth comb. I was ruthless and used the “does this purse/candle/spatula/dress/whatever bring me great joy?” If it wasn’t a Hell Yes it was a No. Oh my goodness it was the best therapy. So cathartic and purifying to get rid of stuff that is just clogging up the energy of your life. Kitchen, playroom, mudroom, living room, closets, bedrooms, laundry room. No space was off limits. It takes time, but it is so worth it. I felt like a million bucks after every cleansing session. A few lessons learned: don’t try to tackle it all at once. Go room by room, or even drawer by drawer if you have to. When you sort through your clothes, make 3 piles: keep, toss, donate (women’s shelter or church. I donate here and here locally) or use a consignment option (I used thredup and The RealReal). I also made a pile of bigger items (old outdoor umbrella stands, broken lamps, leaking garden hose, broken pots, storm shutters) and scheduled a junk removal company to come out and do a pick up. I am already a purger by nature so didn’t anticipate having much to de-junk in the first place but I was completely shocked by how much I got rid of. Best. Feeling Ever.