1st Trimester Survival Kit: My 15 Must Haves

Those first 12 weeks. 

BLISS, nausea, anxiety, JOY, bloating, constipation, EXCITEMENT, exhaustion, fear, secrecy.

A roller coaster of physical, mental and emotional proportions. One thing I’ve learned from writing and sharing and exposing all the things we think we are not supposed to share is that we are in this together.  In the moment, it feels like we must be the only ones feeling this way - isolated with our thoughts - but trust me, the opposite is true. If you are feeling it, so are millions of other women out there. We are never, ever alone.  What changed things for me is when I started reaching out, shedding the layers that I thought were protecting me. I realized those layers kept me from healing. From stepping into the fullest expression of myself. 

“We don’t have to do it all alone.  We were never meant to” - Brene Brown

When I got the call that our 2nd IUI was not successful and then got my period a few hours later - I was done.  I used my last bits of energy after putting my daughter to bed to heave myself into bed - I can’t remember washing my face or brushing my teeth or even eating dinner.  Just ugly crying and the desire to be alone. This was January 29, 2019.   

Little did I know at the time that this was the beginning of my pregnancy.

Since technically the start of your period begins a new cycle, about 28 days later I would get the news that I was pregnant.  Reflecting back it is crazy to think of all that went down over the next 30 days. And I knew I had to share it all with you, because I think that is why we are here.  To share our experiences so that we can pull each other in, lift each other up and remember that we are in this Life Thing together.

My first pregnancy was a breeze.  No morning (all day) sickness or nausea.  I easily continued practicing and teaching yoga.  I was comfortable in my body - no stretch marks (okay probably a few), squishy thighs, puffiness, constipation, varicose veins.  My belly was more up and down than “out”.  I had energy and an appetite. I didn’t purchase any maternity clothes. I wore flowy dresses and at the end bought a (singular) pair of J Brand Maternity Jeans. I wanted to go out to dinner, have sex, be out with friends. I took bump selfies and wore bikinis.  I felt sexy and my boobs were getting bigger (for the first time ever in my life). It was amazing. I really, truly loved being pregnant and I was very calm and blissed out.  

And now I am in pregnancy round two and can share a (very) different perspective. I still love being pregnant, especially after the journey it took to be here again.  Growing babies and bringing them into this world is so incredibly miraculous and empowering and bad ass. Blows my mind.  And has forever changed me as a person. 

I don’t think I could have made a can’t live without list for my last pregnancy, for any trimester, because I didn’t really engage in the whole All The Things For Pregnancy that are out there because I didn’t use them (or was too naive to know what I needed).  This time not so much. I have had to dig in and build a toolbox of tricks to help me along the journey. Whatever camp you are in, I feel you.  

Every single item on here I use until I’m scraping the bottom of the bottle/jar or I actively practice. I’m not just putting a pretty little list together. These things are my first 12 week lifelines.

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1. MetaGenics Plus One: Preconception - Nursing

My acupuncturist recommended these for my first pregnancy and I had already been taking them while TTC so I continued. They are the perfect prenatal, the only downside is that there are 7 pills in a daily pack. To actually get all 7 down I broke them up starting with a few in the morning, then a few with lunch and the last of them with a late afternoon snack. I hate having to take pills in the evening as I feel like they sit in my tummy so I would aim to polish these off by 4pm. By taking a few at a time they did not cause me to get nauseous - something that is guaranteed to happen if I take too many at once on an empty stomach.

2. Athletic Greens 

This Stuff.  Order it right now.  It is a total game changer.  I originally heard about it while listening to Tim Ferriss’ podcast.  He is a legit science lab - testing products on himself and endorsing the stuff that really shows up and works.  At the end of the day, I want results. This stuff totally delivers. And even though I have taken it for years now my body hasn’t “gotten used to it” and the effects have not diminished.  I actually feel the opposite - if I don’t take it I really feel lethargic, foggy and crave more sugary/processed foods. No bueno.

Vitamins, minerals, nutrient dense extracts, herbs, antioxidants, alkaline superfood & mushroom complexes, digestive enzymes and probiotics and it tastes good.  Not earthy and mossy and like eating dirt. Crisp, refreshing.

I take this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  I keep the bag in the refrigerator and add lemon juice. On Sunday or Monday I squeeze a few bags of lemons, fill up a glass jar and it lasts all week. Or I go to the nearest juice shop and (if they have enough lemons!) they will happily give you a big ol’ cup of lemon juice. Shout out to my local lemon heroes at Celis Market.

3. Ascent Protein Powder + Hyper Biotics Prebiotic 

This is another hack I follow from Tim Ferriss. 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. I let him do all the research and he recommends Ascent Protein Powder - it is a clean (no crap added, minimally processed) whey protein.  It does not make me bloated or give me an upset stomach - my body responds really well to it (pregnant or not). I don’t always have it within the 30 minutes, but at least within the first hour. He has specific reasons for this combination and for me it works, especially when pregnant.  I never feel like a “real breakfast” as my appetite just isn’t there yet in the morning and I am prepping everything for my daughters day ahead - making lunch, snack, smoothies, getting vitamins + water bottle ready. Shoes, socks and backpack by the front door. You know - all the Momming that goes on while it’s still dark outside.  Once we head out the door for drop off (8am-ish) I am either off to a 75 minute vinyasa yoga class, secluding myself to write or tackling run-around things on my daily list (UPS store to drop a return, Goodwill to donate from a recent closet clean out or the grocery store for the handful of things I need to make taco bowls for dinner).  If I don’t have this shake, it ends up being hours until I have another window to eat and I am starving and feel light headed and hangry and all kinds of no good things. After about a week of “forcing” this down, my body started to crave/need it. My mind was clearer, I functioned better and it managed my appetite and cravings for the entire rest of the day (no Hanger Strikes at 2pm or sugar binges after dinner).  My entire system was humming and happy.

Directly into blender (I am obsessed with this one) add:

6-8 ounces filtered water + 1 heaping scoop Ascent Protein Powder (I use vanilla) + 1 scoop Hyper Biotics Prebiotics + a few shakes of cinnamon + 4-5 ice cubes = blend on high for 30 seconds

*I also love to add matcha powder to this smoothie for clean, sustained energy. I avoided caffeine during my first trimester, but started adding in ½ - 1 tsp of matcha around week 20*

4. Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C (LivOnLaboratories)

I am never without this stuff.  It goes on my All Time Miracle Products List.

My First Trimester was Feb/March/April and this always seems to be the time of year when everyone is run down post holidays and cold/flu stuff is floating around.  And I have a toddler who goes to school and brings all sorts of powerhouse germs home. This has saved me. I take it at the very first signs of anything feeling off, before/during travel (they come in perfect 1,000mg pouches so easy to toss in your purse or travel bag) or when anyone in my home is sick.  First Trimester Stuff has its own challenges and getting sick on top of it can just totally put you in the weeds.

5. Dry Brushing + Body Products

Being “secretly” pregnant during my first trimester was awkward and uncomfortable for me. On the outside, I looked the same, but I felt like my body was shape shifting on the daily. Bloating, constipation, fatigue, nausea all rolled into one. Giving myself time to indulge in body rituals helped me feel pampered and relaxed. I tried to dry brush 2x/day. Before my morning shower and again at night. In the morning it was pretty short and sweet - just enough to invigorate my body - I focused mostly on my legs, hips, booty and arms - but at night, after putting my daughter to bed, I enjoyed more of a ritual.

I have an indulgent collection of body products, here are my go-to’s:  

6. Yoga + Walking + YouTube Arm Workouts

I asked my midwife what’s the #1 thing I can do to have the best pregnancy/labor/delivery possible - her answer - Move Your Body.  This does not have to be “exercise” but daily movements like taking the stairs, parking in the furthest away spot at the grocery store, running at the park with your kid(s), doing a few stretches while watching TV.  Anything that keeps you connected to your physical body and increases blood flow and circulation.  

YOGA:  This is my One Thing.  The thing that when I am feeling off, cranky, emotional, tired, overwhelmed - I know I need to get on my mat.  

3-4x/week keeps me (almost) completely sane. 

WALKING:  This is my no excuses, get outside, breathe fresh air and move your body hack. Sneakers + iphone + wireless headphones (obsessed with these) and an awesome book on audible or a podcast - it is my moving meditation and brings me such calm energy.    We think it is too simple to be effective yet it is one of the best forms of movement there is. After my first pregnancy the only thing I did (for basically a year) was long stroller walks and I was never in better shape.  Seriously. WALK. 

YOUTUBE ARM WORKOUTS:  You can do them in your pj’s, they only take 10ish minutes and (for most of them) you don’t need any equipment.  Living in Florida my arms are always exposed (hello heat) so it feels good to keep them tight and toned. My favorites:

Tracy Campoli:  Best of Bat Wings  Only 13:26 minutes (no equipment)

Tracy Campoli:  Best Arm Workouts  Only 13:50 minutes (2lb weights or grab some water bottles)

7. Meditation 

I practice Transcendental Meditation. Yep, it is all the things people say. It has changed my perspective and approach to life. Before you start thinking this is just another self care technique that you need to learn/study/spend time and money that you don’t have obtaining it - know that my first invitation to Meditation was to simply “sit and smile” for a few minutes each day.

Elizabeth Gilbert writes about this “technique” in Eat Pray Love. Sit and Smile (close your eyes) for a few minutes each day. Even if you feel silly or like nothing is happening. It is.

I was nervous, cautious and hesitant throughout my first trimester. I had a (very) difficult time fully accepting and loving and embracing my pregnancy because of the emotional journey to get here. When I didn’t meditate I felt it in the form of irritability, irrational thought, depression, lack of patience. With it, I am calm, intentional (rather than reactive), more present and my anxiety virtually vanishes. This is now a non-negotiable life practice for me.

8. Acupuncture

I am a long time believer.  Bring on the needles, heat lamps, moxa sticks, B12 shots and head massages.  We are energy. Illness, dis-ease + pain are all energy imbalances in the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine uses acupuncture points/meridians to tap into the body’s Chi (energy) to create harmony and balance where there may be imbalance and dis-ease.  

I found my way to acupuncture through a yoga injury (torn hamstring).  It was causing me life-disrupting pain as it was healing and I had exhausted my list of resources on what to do about it - medical doctors, specialists, chiropractors, massage, ice/heat, physical therapy - none of it had actually made a significant difference.  And then I tried acupuncture and had noticeable pain reduction after my first treatment. I went here and have not looked back. Seriously. I went regularly as my healing progressed. But I continued to go because my overall well-being improved. I was healthier and calmer and less anxious.  

I went 2x/month throughout my first pregnancy.  I went in 5 days prior to my due date and she did all the labor points - my water broke the next morning. 

I did acupuncture while TTC and before my IVF Egg Retrieval.  And I’ve continued throughout this pregnancy. I highly recommend you add it to your Life Toolbox, but especially when pregnant.

9. Mini Meals + Snacks + “Emergency” Crap Food

Food was tough for me in my first trimester.  All the things that I loved I suddenly couldn’t stand to think about, smell or certainly eat.  I am not a snacker and typically have 3 meals/day. Maybe an afternoon or 5pmish snack between lunch + dinner.  But that all went out the window. I had to transition into small meals and snacks every 2 hours. I was nauseous - so frequent eating helped - and I felt repulsed by “big” portions so snack-size made things more palatable.  And I was perpetually bloated and felt “stuffed” without eating a thing so there was that.  

Here is what small meals + snacks + emergency crap food looked like for me:

  • Protein Shake:  water + ascent protein powder + hyperbiotics prebiotic + cinnamon + 4-5 ice cubes 

  • Bars:  Kind, Raw Rev, GoPro

  • Hard boiled egg + cottage cheese + marcona almonds

  • Spoonful of almond/peanut butter/coconut butter (let’s be honest, lots of spoonfuls)

  • Sliced apples with lemon squeezed on top (I craved this constantly), pears or blueberries

  • Daily Harvest Mint Cacao Smoothie - I craved this peppermint/cacao combo when I was so sick and nauseous.  The combo of cold + mint immediately settled my stomach.

  • Avocado toast:  Ezekiel sprouted bread, topped with mashed avocado, finely chopped raw spinach, salt + red pepper flakes, fried egg on top cooked in this ghee

  • Purely Elizabeth Grain Free Granola + Califia Farms Coconut Milk + Blueberries + Bananas + Spoonful of Peanut Butter

  • Fried Rice:  I kept it simple and got take-out,  but added a few fried eggs on top that I made at home (with my all time favorite fat - trust me, you will be obsessed.)

  • Crackers + Tortilla Chips + Spinach and Artichoke Dip:  I tried to find *healthy* versions or each of these by shopping at Whole Foods or local health food stores but allow yourself some wiggle room here. You could also find me in my car scarfing down a bag of sweet n’ salty Chex Mix (insert crap food of choice) before I even left the grocery store parking lot.

10. Lounge Pants + Tank Tops + Hoodies 

Comfort.  At the end of the day (okay, sometimes it was more like 3pm) I was ready for soft, cottony + cozy.  I’d pick up my daughter from school, we’d jump in the pool for some unwind time and then I was ready for loungewear.  And my options were pretty pathetic and uninspiring. I’d put them on and feel so gross - I knew I needed to up my game so I felt beautiful and comfortable and feminine as I was going to be reaching for these pieces A LOT.  Even though I didn’t have an obvious baby belly at this time (which actually would have been prefered) I was bloated (I was still taking daily progesterone & estrogen from my IVF cycle), constipated and overall just puffy and different.  Investing in luxe loungewear made me feel 1,000x better.

Lounge Pants:  

  • Om Girl 

    • Surf Nomad Pant in any color (go with black if you are going to pack in your hospital bag) and definitely size up

Tank Tops:  

  • Jcrew 

    • Slim Perfect Tank Top with Built in Bra.  I got one in white + black and sized up (I could have even sized up 2x for additional comfort - if you are regularly a small, order a large).  I live in these, they are soft and relatively long compared to other tanks so even though they are not “maternity” they do the job. I like the thin straps and the dropped armpit so the fabric doesn’t rub or cut into your underarm.  I am very particular about tank tops. Trust.   

  • Ingrid & Isabel 

    • Scoop Neck Maternity Tank. I got one in white + black and sized up.  These are a soft, thin ribbed cotton. They do not have a built in bra and the white is see through so I wear an Omgirl Asana bra with it. 


  • Om Girl (the Asana bra in any color - lived in these, definitely size up)


  • Old Navy

    • These are inexpensive, cute, soft and perfect for those middle of the night feedings when the AC is cranked and you are getting up every 3 hours to nurse.  And quite possibly covered in postpartum night sweat and leaked milk. I ordered my normal size, got 2 because one is always in the wash.  


  • Eberjey

    • Gisele PJ set is a go-to.  I chose black for postpartum/hospital stay for obvious reasons but also got the dusty rose + ivory for those showerless, sleepless nights/days spent in pj’s. A sliver of something to make me feel pretty, feminine and sane.  I sized up. They tend to run short on me in the legs and if you dry them they shrink. And with so many people “helping” in the laundry department (think Dad here) they are bound to end up in the dryer. I also love this softest ever chemise

11. Podcasts + Audible Books  

I relied heavily on the inspiration, support and positive messaging I found in some of my favorites:

Podcasts:  Oprah Super Soul Conversations, goop, mindbodygreen, Tim Ferriss, The Ed Mylett Show

Audible Books:  The Secret, The Power, The Power of Now, Carry On Warrior 

I listened to The Secret on repeat during my first trimester. I needed all the positivity I could get and this really worked for me. What we think about, we create. 

12. Pregnancy Apps:  the bump, ovia, babycenter

In the beginning, pregnancy can feel lonely, awkward and just sucky.  Or it can be pink clouds and rainbows. Whatever camp you are in (probably a little of both) information, community and connection go a long way in helping to ease an anxious mind (is it normal to look 3 months pregnant at 6 weeks? Why can’t I poop? Is everyone this tired at Week 10?  I can’t stop eating/craving junk food - help!). These handy little apps make you feel like you have a world of friends out there you can talk to about your pregnancy that no one yet knows about. I always try and remember, though, that our moms didn’t have apps and trackers and All The Things that we have access to today to journey with us through pregnancy.  The balance of ignorance and information is a good combination so use sparingly.

13. Talk to the people that know you are pregnant

I talked. I shared. I vented.  To the handful of people who knew I was pregnant AND knew my journey to get there I TMI’d them without batting an eye.  I needed a place to put my stuff. All the feels. I also talked to *you* - before I even knew this blog was going to come to life and be a soft place to land - I poured it all out in every word and sentence - never knowing if it would sit and collect dust or someday see the light - it didn’t matter. It just needed to come out and instantly calm, peace and lightness would wash over me.  Talk, write, share - your story matters because it exists - and telling it is incredibly therapeutic and it will bring value to whoever you share it with. Even if it is a Google Doc or journal pages that only you read. YOU matter.

14. A good planner/calendar 

Appointments, to-do lists, you know - LIFE.  I am still a pencil + paper girl and feel my most organized, clear and productive when I have a tangible book that helps me plan out my days - seriously, I am an organization freak and love to have a plan of action on both a micro level (what is happening day-to-day) and a macro level (zoom out, see the big picture - what do you want to accomplish this week/month/season/year). 

15.  Calm Magnesium + Melatonin

I was still taking Crinone (progesterone vaginal suppositories) and estrogen during my first trimester in addition to coming off of the piggybacked cycle of Clomid and the multiple HCG trigger shots.  This is more medication than I have taken in the last 10 years combined. It was all worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat. But holy did it take a toll on my system. I was bloated, constipated, had insomnia, night sweats, skin breakouts. And that was just the physical stuff. The emotional stuff was a whole ‘nother layer.  The combo of these natural remedies were life savers.   I took 1-2 tsp of Calm Magnesium nightly with 3mg of melatonin (and I would usually pop a probiotic too!).