My 9 Must-Have Baby Items: 6-12+ Months


We’ve got a bit of a rhythm now. The days feel less reactive, more predictable. And a short 6+ months in, baby starts to actually do stuff. Laughing, smiling, sitting up, growing teeth, ready to eat real foods. It all seems to happen rapid fire and you find yourself in need of the next round of baby gear. I get only what I need. It has to make my life easier, more efficient and be lasting (not a flash in the pan) - like having an extra set of hands around to help - it has to work that well to pass my litmus test of should I buy this? I do not like extra stuff. It clutters my space and zaps my energy. Here’s my ride or die for that post newborn phase of baby becoming toddler.


Everything I wrote about here still part of my taking care of baby toolkit. Read this first for all the things helping me master (ha ha ha, I kid) mom life.

BabyBjorn High Chair

White, compact, easy to clean, no weird straps that I can’t figure out how to adjust or spots where baby can trap tiny fingers, this high chair checks all the boxes and is a huge win. There is also zero assembly. You heard me on that, right? ZERO. It comes out of the box, ready to go. After putting together 9,253 baby items, this fact alone would sell me. Aster is in this chair 3-5x/day so it has to function perfectly and be easy enough for me to do one handed. She started in this at 6 months (maybe a littler earlier) and now, at 15 months, she is still in it. Her legs are long and her feet dangle down a bit from the foot rests but whatever. She’s happy, I’m happy. Going to see if I can stretch it a few more months!


ergobaby 360 All Positions Baby Carrier

I’ve used this same carrier for both my babies (so its circa 2015 and I’m still obsessed). It’s gotten a ton of use and is still standing. Once baby discovers that there is a whole big world out there they want to take it all in and be a part of everything you are doing. I pop baby in forward facing and empty the dishwasher, make the bed, walk around my neighborhood, call my mom. You know, do stuff! This has been especially useful because of my 5 year old who wants to run down to the beach, hop on her scooter, play at the playground. Basically be in constant motion until she collapses in bed at night. Often the stroller just doesn't work for these situations. I can have Aster in the carrier in 30 seconds and not miss a beat. And it’s basically CrossFit (she’s at least 20lbs) so I’m working out, too.


Inglesina Fast Table High Chair

I keep this in the trunk of my car and have it ready for impromptu al fresco dinners, visits to Nana’s house, playdates or any meal/snack time on the go. It has also been great for using at home when Aster has a playdate. I slide this on our counter and babies can eat together (1 in high chair/1 in this). I can put Aster in it while I am cooking, putting away groceries or making smoothies. I put a few toys on the counter (usually a measuring spoon and cup) and she happily plays + watches me. It’s a change of scenery from the high chair and is so versatile I find I’m more flexible to eating out or mealtime visits with family because of it. Important especially when you have multiple children and you are balancing the needs of different age ranges.


Nuna SENA Aire Playard

Another item that is getting a second go around with baby #2. I set this up right in the middle of our living room. A safe, cozy little babysitter that is available 24/7. Put in a few toys and keep it somewhere right in the middle of all the action in your house. Baby has a front row seat to life and you have the use of both your hands. My 5 year old loves to jump in here and play with sis, too. Anything that supports a loving sister moment I’d pay double. And yes, it is a great travel crib, but since we are not traveling at this time courtesy of a global pandemic, I’ve found it almost more useful as a play pen. I got it in black but wish I had gotten it in a more neutral tone. Either way, love it.


VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker

We call it her car. Aster is a maniac on this thing. She really started getting into it at 10/11 months. She goes fast and takes sharp turns. She can maneuver this thing into the tightest of spaces. It gives her a ton of freedom, confidence and pride (like so much - she is thrilled with herself on this thing). She can go anywhere in the house and find me at all times. For better or worse. She is 15 months now and is solidly walking (drunken sailor style) on her own but still loves this thing.

High Speed Blender / Freezer Trays / Spoons + Bibs + Pouches

Seems like a lot (sort of is) but it’s all the things I used the most when starting baby on solid foods. I love food and cooking and being in the kitchen so making baby’s food was not a huge leap for me. If you are not one of those people, you already know it, and this might not be your jam (it’s all good. You do You!). There are many options these days (store bought/delivery) so whatever you choose, baby will thrive. But (for me) it is easy and satisfying to feed Aster delicious home cooked food made with the love that only a momma can add. The Vitamix lives on my counter and is used almost constantly on days when I’m cooking. I buy organic whole foods (think sweet potatoes, apples, butternut squash, broccoli, pears), peel them, roast them and blend them up with some healthy fat (this one is my obsession). Your house smells amazing and baby is gobbling down real, nutritious foods. It’s a win/win. Grab these freezer trays (amazing) and pop a few cubes in the fridge to thaw out as you are using through your stash. And I use these pouches all.the.time for on the go or to give baby some eating independence. Spoon in food purees or experiment with smoothies. In a bowl add: coconut yogurt (or any unsweetened yogurt you have on hand), ripe banana and honey. Mash it all up and spoon into the pouch. If you have a few more minutes toss coconut yogurt, ripe banana, blueberries/strawberries, handful of spinach, squeeze of honey and a TBSP of ground chia seeds into the blender. Blend until very creamy and spoon into pouches. You can make a few at a time and keep in fridge. Life savers.

This (Leak Proof) Straw Cup

This is the best one I’ve found. I’ve tried lots (LOTS) and the leaking issue is just a hard stop. I swear 9 out of 10 leak. WTF. Cheap ones, pricey ones and everything in the middle, this is the one I’m currently using (leak free). There are a lot of stainless steel and glass options available but I’ve found them too heavy and honestly too dangerous since Aster likes to shake, swing and throw these things. I’m afraid she’ll hit herself in the face or knock one of her teeth out. So this one also feels much more forgiving and less stressful for me. Anything to keep the cortisol low, my friends.


And These:

Snack Cups: This One + This One

Teething Toys: This One + This One

Baby’s Just In Case Kit

It’s better to have these things on hand rather than need them and not have them. Trust. I learned the hard way.

Arnica: all those bumps/bruises/falls. We use this daily. Maybe hourly.

Tuby Todd All Over Ointment: this is my cure all healing salve. I put it on everything. A rash. Rough patch on baby’s skin. The face. A little pot of miraculousness. It cleared Aster’s baby acne in 2 days.

Hard Core Diaper Cream: I keep this and this on hand at all times. Baby’s tushy can be completely fine and one diaper later can show the signs of irritation or the beginning of diaper rash (especially when you start introducing solids & new foods). Each of my babes responded better to different products so if you use one with no improvement after a few diaper changes, switch it up.

Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Soothing Bath Treatment: When diaper parts are sensitive or when baby has full blown rash, I toss a packet of this soothing + moisturizing colloidal oats into tub with warm water. It brings down redness and inflammation and just helps baby feel better. If I don’t have any on hand I add 1 TBSP of baking soda to bath water and let baby soak. Always remember to dry reeeeallllly well before applying diaper + cream afterwards.

Tylenol Infants / No Touch Forehead Digital Thermometer / Kids Boo Boo Ice Packs/ First Aid Spray/ Cool Band Aids: You know, just in case.

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