My 19 Must-Have Baby Items: 0-6 Months

180 days. 6 months. They are reeeeaaaaal hazy. I’m tired but still pulling from the well of energy that somehow finds you in Motherhood. Like you should be so exhausted you can’t string a sentence together or brush your teeth and yet you’re sterilizing bottle parts at 10pm, folding laundry, freezing breastmilk and preparing to “not sleep” for the next 8 hours. It’s nuts.

Every item on this list is a game changer. If it resonates with you, get it. Don’t research, read reviews, scroll until your eyes bleed at 3am. I’ve already done that (you’re welcome).

Coterie Diapers + Wipes / Weleda Diaper Paste

I finally landed on these after trying out a few other brands. They are absorbent (obvi), made from clean ingredients and have zero smell/scent. Soft (very) and fit well (no leaking or gaps). They are a little thicker than most other brands which I find nice during the newborn/early baby stage. And their wipes are hands down the best I’ve ever used. Sign up for the auto ship (trust me) and cross it off your mental to do list. Just when you start to think I need to order more diapers they will arrive on your doorstep (praise be). I did not start off on the auto ship and found myself scrambling on Amazon for a second tier replacement in the wee hours of the morning. With my first, I used Bambo Nature diapers and Kinder by Nature wipes. Both great products, but it was nice to find a brand with the trifecta: the best diapers + wipes + auto ship. I’ve used this diaper cream for both babies. And you only need a thin smear. When I had baby #1 I thought the more the better since I was terrified of diaper rash (especially when they sleep through the night and have that thing on for 12 hours). If you spackle it on (what I was doing) it creates moisture and the diaper absorbs all the cream (not the other stuff) and then you’ve got the exact thing you were trying to avoid (rash!!). Make sure babies sensitive parts are totally dry, then smear it on thin, change diaper often (as if there were another option).

Puj Tub + Tubby Todd + Burt’s Bees Baby Washcloths

I bathed all my babes in the sink for as long as possible. This tub, get it. It’s not really a tub, but a foam sheet that you fold origami style and voila, a perfect little watery nest for babe. My brain power was so low I didn’t know if I could figure out the right “folds” for this thing (I asked my 4 year old for help). And you know how idiotic baby/toddler items can make you feel. If you want to see a grown adult lose their sh*t just ask them to install a car seat or put together a jumperoo. Once they outgrow this (quick quick) this is the best. I’ve used it with both girls.


I stock all of our bathrooms (mine too) with lots of favorites from Tubby Todd. Founded by a husband and wife that had a family of kids with eczema and sensitive skin, they created this line of amazing basics that really work (and nice price points). I’ve tried a lot of their products, my favorites: this hair and body wash, this everyday (lighter) lotion, this body cream (thicker), and this all over ointment (cleared Aster’s baby acne in 2 days, this stuff is magic in a jar). Fair warning: going to the website is sort of like going to Target, you go in for one thing and have a cart full by the time you get to checkout. Get these, too. Love them for baby (soft, organic, white) and for me (only thing I use on my face).

Haaka Pump + Medela Symphony Pump + Dr. Browns Bottles + Baby Breeza Sterilizer


Feeding your baby is a full time job. It’s such a real thing and you can’t (totally) prepare yourself for the physical, emotional and mental energy it takes until you are In It. Every woman has their own perfect journey of how they choose to feed their baby. Every story is unique and deeply personal. For most of us, it ends up looking completely different than we thought. Do not compare your journey to anyone else’s, embrace however you and your baby are doing this thing and know you are doing it the best way for You. No shame, no guilt. Be proud, you are doing a really hard thing. I threw an arsenal at the process of feeding Aster. We are still breastfeeding. She (mostly) nurses but also takes a bottle. She switches easily between the two. I introduced this bottle when she was 4 weeks old. When she is nursing, I pop this magic little manual pump on the other boob and it collects the letdown (and then some) while she’s feeding. Buy two, you will be amazed. And I’m pumping with this mother of all pumps. I am grateful for (and loathe) this humming yellow beast of a pump that becomes decor in my house for the first year. There is a lot of paraphernalia. And yes, all this stuff creates a ton of itty bitty parts to be washed and sterilized. Never ending. This thing is running constantly on my countertop.

Halo SleepSack Swaddles + MORI Long Sleeve Bodysuits

My first loved to be swaddled and wrapped up tight, both arms snuggly tucked in, like a glow worm. My second, however, liked to be wild and free from the start. No swaddling, no arms tucked in. But these sleep sacks always came out as the winners for both of them, no matter how they liked to sleep. You can wrap them up (or not), arms tucked in (or not). It is so easy to go down the this-will-help-your-baby-sleep-better rabbit hole. Companies know we are sleep deprived, exhausted, brain fogged mommas scrolling our phone for all things baby in one hand while holding/nursing/shushing a baby in the other. They know we are a little desperate. I had a wasteland of sleep sacks/merlin suits/swaddles that just didn’t work. I always grabbed these and they never failed me. For pjs underneath the sleep sack these long sleeve body suits are the best.

Doona Infant Car Seat to Stroller


This thing is genius. You need it. Get it.

UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller

I’ve used this with both babes. It’s simple (as far as collapsing/attachments/buttons/folding/straps) and a sleek everyday, out for a walk stroller. Large undercarriage space, too. I live in a small beach town so I cannot vouch for this stroller in a city environment but I got the Cruz (rather than the Vista) because it is slightly smaller and weighs less. I had an issue with a stuck wheel and customer service was easy and actually helpful (I spoke with a woman who guided me through step by step how to correct the issue). Only downside for me is that the sun canopy is not quite robust enough to fully cover baby. But I’ve got Florida sun to contend with so for most, this is likely not an issue.


Baby Bjorn: Bouncer Balance Soft

You cannot physically hold your baby 24/7. There are things like showering, eating, going to the bathroom, raising other children; non-negotiables that continue to exist even though you now have a newborn. Enter this beloved chair. Truth, I have 2 (one upstairs/one downstairs). Aster loves it. It’s soft and cozy and she can sit upright and take in everything happening around her. She watches Sienna and I doing home school or taking an afternoon swim. I can cook dinner, unload the dishwasher, get Sienna dressed (imagine!). Or I can lay it almost flat and she can snooze. A huge plus is the cover easily slips off and can be tossed in the washing machine. It is visually pretty and doesn't take up much space. So many wins. Warning: I often put this pad underneath her tushy because if she has a poopy diaper the angle of the seat makes it go right up her back and onto the chair. This pad saves me from washing the cover on repeat). You can buy a replacement cover just in case, but for me, the $5 pad is cheaper and easier.


Baby Bjorn: Baby Carrier Mini

If she’s not in the chair, then she is in this carrier. I am a person who loves to wear my babies. If that’s not you, you know you’ll never use it no matter how great it is, so skip this one. Around the house, out for a walk, to the beach - sometimes it’s just easier to slide her into this little pouch and go. She never fights it and it soothes her immediately. I toss it in the undercarriage of the UPPAbaby stroller in case she gets fussy while we are out I can just pop her in the carrier and she’s good to go.


Baby Nail File Electric Trimmer

Aster was born with very long nails. When she was brand new the nails were so soft that I could simply peel them off after a bath time soak. But a few months in and those nails were sharp. She would wake up in the morning looking like she wrestled a baby lion in her crib. Scratches on her face, a bleeding ear. And clipping at this age is just too stressful. One sudden jerk of her hand and disaster. This thing saved me.

Fisher Price My Little Snuggabunny Cradle ‘n Swing + Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo


More places to put that sweet little baby. This swing was already set up and ready to go in Aster’s nursery when we came home from the hospital. I used it daily with both babes. It’s big and takes up space but those first 6 months are all about sleeping, eating, soothing and establishing a routine. This thing helps a lot, so I didn’t mind that it took up half her nursery. It’s aesthetically pleasing with neutral colors. I spend so much time in Aster’s room that everything in it has to be serene and calming. The music is relaxing and volume control let’s you play it low and lulling. There is a rocking function but I hesitate to use it (of course there are those emergency moments when you’ve used all the tricks in your bag) so she doesn’t come to rely on rocking to be soothed. I like to put her in it after she eats because it keeps her upright versus laying flat (better for digestion). It’s right by the window so she can take in sunshine/trees/daily movement. She is fascinated. And is there any home with children in America that has not had the pleasure of the Rainforest Jumperoo? It’s a big plastic monstrosity but kids love this thing. I know, I know. Just suck it up, they outgrow it quickly. And your babe can log enough time in there for you to do all the other glamorous things of Motherhood (ahhhh ha ha, I kid).

Burp Cloths + Snot Suckers + Sound Machines + Wipe Warmers

Self-explanatory, I realize, but worth mentioning because there are so many choices out there that simple things can become overwhelming. It seems like we use 563 burp cloths/day. Maybe more. I love these.

Aster has the tiniest little nostrils. And they get filled with boogers. I use this little savior multiple times a day. This one specifically is amazing because the nostril part is tiny and soft. It is the best for the newborn stage. I love the Fridababy NoseFrida but find it works better once babe gets a little bigger (6+ months).

You need this. In our house, sound machines are the holy grail of sleep. And a thermostat set at 68 degrees (yes, even for the little people). Which leads me to the need for this wipe warmer. Remember all those times the doctor squirted freezing cold glide jelly on your belly or did an internal exam and started with the sentence “this is going to be cold, sorry”? It’s not fun. Changing diapers can already be tricky enough without baby screaming from the touch of a cold, wet wipe. Small tweaks, huge help.

I’m here for you. E-mail me, message me on Instagram, reach out. Let’s village style this parenting thing.

We are not meant to do this alone.