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3rd Trimester Survival Kit: My 15 Must Haves

Ohhhhhh the home stretch. So close and so far away.  I simultaneously wanted baby to stay in (forever) and come out (immediately). I flexed between these two extremes for three months.  This pregnancy was so hard fought and I willed myself to remember that every time I peed my pants, iced my lower back or went to bed in tears at 8pm after eating my 7th peanut butter and banana toast of the day.  It was definitely not the easy breezy days of my first pregnancy. Already having children and being pregnant is hard. At least it was for me. I was transitioning into fall when I started my third trimester - August, September, October - and was eager to get home from our summer travels, get our daughter back to school/structure/routine and nest, nest, nest.  I wanted a few months of simple and boring before babe’s arrival. Here are all the things that helped me thrive in those final months.   

 1. Newton Homeopathic Drops

I love these little tinctures. Don’t be fooled, these medicinal vials of herbal remedies pack a punch. Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can heal itself using tiny amounts of natural substances like plants and minerals. It’s about treating the body as a whole rather than the suppression of symptoms. The opposite of the pill for an ill mentality. I was introduced to this company by moms who swear by this product and this one for their kids. I am a total believer after using them for my daughter (get the pellets rather than the liquid tincture). These adult complexes have been game changers for me. This one for incontinence, this one for bladder/liver support and this one for varicose veins. The beauty of herbal medicine is that it is almost always safe to take while pregnant, but of course, I am not an expert or doctor, just a human sharing what has worked for me. I did get these okay’ed by my acupuncturist and midwife before taking. While I did not expect miracles (obviously there was a 7lb baby pressing down on my vagina at all times) I was hopeful and also knew that they would be big helpers in my postpartum recovery process.

2. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

I drank 2-3 cups of this tea daily. Knowing I’d be pushing a tiny human out of my vagina, I was willing to do anything to help prep my body and all my parts. Red raspberry leaf has been used for centuries to tone the uterus (where the baby lives) + cervix (opening of the uterus where the baby enters the vaginal canal) and prepare the womb for childbirth. Yes, please.

3. Evening Primrose Oil Capsules

I started inserting Evening Primrose Oil capsules at 36 weeks. Yes, up into your vagina, like you were pushing in a tampon. I started with 500mg and increased every week. 1,000mg at 37 weeks, 1,500mg at 38 weeks and 2,000mg at 39 weeks. This is the plan that was right for me as directed by my midwife. Definitely talk to your baby team/doctor/midwife first. It does not induce labor. It is another tool used to help prepare the uterus for birth. I did this with my first pregnancy and I had an incredibly fast, unmedicated, vaginal delivery. I don’t think doing one thing is the magic bullet to some elusive and completely non-existent perfect labor, but whether real or placebo, I am a believer in this one. Insert them at night and definitely were undies you don’t care about, some of the oil will leak out. Sometimes I will divide the dose and insert half before I go to bed and then the other half when I get up to pee (because you know that’s happening).

4. Complete Nursery + Baby Prep

There comes a point when you just have to say enough is enough as far as “preparing.” Get this wrapped up with a few weeks/a month to spare so you can just be rather than feeling like you constantly have to busy yourself with preparing/organizing/getting. I’m waiting on the light fixture to be installed and the bedding for the daybed to arrive. Then that’s it. I’m officially considering it “complete” and crossing it off my list. I love spending time in the nursery. Sitting in the glider daydreaming about holding our little newborn soul in my arms. Envisioning the nights I’ll spend (not) sleeping on the daybed right next to baby’s crib. Know that once the baby comes he/she will show you exactly what you need. And it isn’t nearly as much as you think. Less is totally the game here. You will be so happy to not deal with a bunch of stuff that you don’t need/never use.

5. Self Care

I know from experience that my self-care habits will soon plummet to the bottom of my list. I’ll go months without a mani/pedi, my roots will be yuck for awhile and a shower that includes washing my hair, cleaning my body, exfoliating, shaving (legs/armpits/bikini) will be a dream for some future version of myself. Taking this hit is tough. And I know it will be even more so with a toddler and a newborn. Sacrificing these things is worth it to me (newbornland does not last forever, promise), but it’s also why I front load them big time the last few months of pregnancy. Whatever your version of self-care is, do it and do lots of it. For me it looked like this: Yoga 3-4x/week, daily meditation (5-10 minutes), facials, massage, mani/pedis, fresh haircut + color, long showers, going to bed early, more than usual take-out (no cooking/dishes), date nights. I longed for naps but they didn’t happen despite my best efforts (I swear it is my toddlers goal in life to find me as soon as I attempt a nap) . I know I’m about to enter an intense season of my life. This is not being selfish or indulgent, this is filling your tank so you can head into labor and your 4th trimester feeling as rested and prepared as possible. I’m saying this to you so that I can remember and take my own advice.

6. CocoYo Living Coconut Yogurt + Blender Bombs + Grain Free Granola So Bomb

These are my daily food staples. I am obsessed with yogurt bowls using this yogurt and this granola. My favorite combo: CocoYo Vanilla + blueberries + flax seed + banana + unsweetened coconut flakes + cinnamon + cluster crunch granola + this almond butter. It hits all the notes for me. I live in Florida. It’s warm and balmy and having a little heater in my belly makes me run hot all.the.time. During the day I crave cooling foods. This is completely hearty + satisfying, savory + sweet (without making you feel beached). And I’ve always been a smoothie girl so finding Blender Bombs was everything. This is my current favorite, this is a close second. Add the bomb butter and it’s the perfect mid-day meal or anytime snack. Eating light (but frequent) plant based meals + snacks during the day has kept my energy up and eliminated the heavy/lethargic feeling that can strike me down at 4pm.

7. FroPro Bars

I eat these things all day. On the way to a doctor’s appointment, in the car line for afternoon pick-up, that weird in between time when it’s not quite dinner - you get it. They are decadent + healthy, satisfying but not filling. This one and this one are my go-to flavors.

8. Chiropractic Adjustments

I’ve had uncomfortable + painful lower back pain on my left side since my daughter was born. I think something about the way I labored/the position I was in (mostly on my back) shifted something inside that hasn’t quite found its way back. No surprise there. This pregnancy has aggravated the issue so I’ve been seeing an incredible chiropractor and it has been helping. Not only does my lower back feel better but my whole body does. I crack like a pile of popsicle sticks and the relief is instant. He has also been a great reminder of the interconnectedness of all things, the body as a whole unit. My back issue is not independent from my incontinences issue. Treating the source of one simultaneously treats everything. I know my body is in an extreme state right now but I am so hopeful that these self-care practices will pay off in spades after my delivery.

9. Ice Pack + Heating Pad

I usually bring both to bed with me and alternate hot/cold on my back, calves, neck/shoulders, wherever my body is calling for a little TLC. I always remember to use this before bed on all my tender spots, too. This pre-bed ritual is a sliver of me-time I look forward to after a full day of momming a toddler and growing a fresh one.

10. Flowy Dresses

Alllllll day I’ve been living in waistline-free dresses. This time of year is hot in Florida. Like middle of summer hot. J.Crew, Love Shack Fancy, Lali, and Roller Rabbit are my quick go-to’s. I love them because you can wear them after your bump’s gone, too.

11. Dejunk (again)

I am a purger. Big time. That’s why this makes the list in both the 2nd and 3rd trimester. When I’m pregnant, this already slightly obsessive tendency shifts into overdrive. I start with a single room, let’s say the kitchen. Then I narrow it down to a super micro level - every drawer and cabinet. The refrigerator. The pantry. The junk drawer (we all have one). The mail bin. The key/sunglasses/loose change tray. All of it. Nothing escapes my scrutiny. I do this in every room that bothers me (all of them) until they don’t bother me anymore. When I finish with a space I feel like I’ve spent the day at a spa or had a deep meditation (please say you can relate). I feel light and energized and spacious. This is an amazing feeling, especially since right now my body feels heavy, sluggish and suffocating. It’s therapeutic, it’s free and it is such a game changer. For me, external clutter and mess creates the same feeling on the inside. Just start with the one room where you spend the most time. Clean the sh*t out of it. Promise you won’t regret it.

12. Solluna Digestive Enzymes + Probiotics (by Kimberly Snyder)

I love her glowing green smoothies and she makes my list once again for this product and this one. Digestive enzymes and probiotics. I’m obsessed. When I first started taking a probiotic I felt the difference. But when I started taking the Solluna feel good sbo probiotics I was actually blown away. These little powerhouses support immune function, mood, skin, energy levels and weight loss. They help our bodies digest and assimilate macronutrients and more effectively eliminate waste. And if you think that’s awesome, then the feel good digestive enzymes will be a total game changer for you. Since I eat (mostly) healthy I did not think that a digestive enzyme was important. I always kept some around and would take them if I was going out to dinner or having a pizza/pasta/burger/french fry kinda day. I never thought to take them before a smoothie or salad. I was completely wrong. Now I take 2 capsules before every meal, healthy or crappy. They help our bodies metabolize protein, fat and carbs more effectively and reduce gas + bloating. Even pregnant I feel less bloated (if that’s possible). Amazing. Get them.

13. Prepare Your Village

I’m not great at this one, but I’m trying. Having kids, running your family + home + life, it’s a lot of work. Work you love, but it takes time and energy and support. Humans used to live in a more communal/village style way and I can see why. Mom’s need help. We were not meant to do this alone. I’ve always felt a little reactive rather than proactive in this department and I’m trying to change that. It’s going to be a huge shift for all of us, especially our daughter, who has had us all to herself for 4.5 years. While she is psyched for babe’s arrival (only if it’s a girl), she’s still 4. There will be jealousy and tantrums, love and hate, anger and resentment. All of which terrify me. I know I will no longer be able to do every morning drop off and afternoon pick-up, playdates, birthday parties, playground trips and bike rides - some of these things will not include me. I need help now and I’ll only need more in a few short months. So I’m preparing my village. I cannot imagine trying to put this puzzle together as I’m in the trenches of postpartum healing and newbornland while still doing all the things of life. Whatever that looks like for you, get it lined up now. A supportive partner, help from parents + friends, a babysitter/nanny/night nurse/neighbor. Whatever it takes! Have a go-to list of people you trust. And use them.

14. Skincare + Makeup + Hair + Jewelry Organization

This seems very superficial, but feeling organized and pulled together helps me feel better. And if I feel better I am a better human and everyone benefits. I know that once babe arrive’s my beauty routine is going to have to be uber efficient and streamlined. If it’s not, it’ll feel too overwhelming, I’ll be in tears and give up. I tossed all my makeup that I’d had for too long. Even the stuff that was pricey and I never should have bought in the first place (you are NEVER going to wear eye shadow! Stop buying it!) and (of course) never wore, gone. Old lip glosses and almost empty skin creams, garbage. Just the accumulation of stuff that I never actually used or needed made the process of “getting ready” suck my energy just thinking about it. I went through my skincare products and simplified. Same with my makeup (tinted moisturizer with sunscreen, concealer, eye brightener, eyebrow pencil, blush, mascara). Get rid of the 10 mascaras that are just okay and keep the two that make you look like a movie star. Less is so much more here. My shampoo, conditioner, leave in products, brushes, hair ties, clips, all dejunked. I got this hanging jewelry organizer to make finding and wearing my jewelry fun and not a chore. These things seem simple, but for me, it completely refreshed my “getting ready” experience. This will be invaluable when I’m getting ready with a new baby strapped to my body and a toddler at my feet.

15. (Kindly) Say No

Simple, but not always easy. If there is ever a time to play the No Card, holy jeesh is it now. Use it with abandon. And enjoy. New projects at work, happy hours, cocktail parties, coffee/lunch/dinner dates, birthday parties, grocery shopping, volunteering, going the extra mile…..I’ve shelved all these things. Just cocoon in your beautiful, glorious pregnant self. No is my new best friend. I highly recommend. I keep Byron Katie’s words taped to my mirror: Every honest NO either to others or myself is a YES to me. This allows me to live as a consistent YES.