
I’m so happy you found me. I’m Sara.  Make yourself at home. 

This website was born in 2019 while I was pregnant with our second child.

I have dreamt, imagined and talked, if only to myself, about the day this virtual home would actually become rather than collecting dust in my head.  And now it has happened. And here we are, together. I am sharing my life, my story, to remember, preserve and connect. I want to capture every morsel. The light, the dark and all the gray.

I want to do it together. I’ve often felt isolated and lonely in these early days of motherhood. Reaching out into the ether has brought me connection and community. A virtual village. A tribe. I’ve come to rely on women I’ve never met. And women I call my best friends but rarely get to see. Sharing their stories. Lifting me up as a mother, a friend, a human. We share a photo, a text, a video while packing lunches, waiting in the carpool line or when the house is quiet, kids asleep.

I live in Palm Beach, Florida and love all the things I get to be - wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend.  

Breathing life into this passion project was inspired by the quote I read years ago in Stephen Cope’s, The Great Work of Your Life:

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.  If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” --Gospel of Thomas

This is me.  Unfiltered, unpolished, starting before I have it figured out or perfected.  Bringing forth what is within me. I’m happy to have you along for the ride.